Corporate Client Services

Bespoke payments and risk management capabilities for businesses of all size

International Payments

Alongside our currency management strategies, we provide a suite of products and services focused on executing your FX and payment requirements more efficiently

Transact in over 140 different currencies

You can send payments in minutes in over 140 different currencies including exotics at market leading rates.

Local Routing

We can often avoid the delays and charges associated with intermediary banks to provide lower cost and paster cross border payments


APFX Online

Our online portal is a way to manage your account 24/7, easily trade in over 50 currencies and make payments to your beneficiaries

Fast Payment

Your payments are sent through the fastest and most secure routes, thanks to our network of banking and technology partner.

Mass Payment

Make multiple payments to your beneficiaries via a simple file upload on your platform to save time and hassle when processing large volumes of payments.

Comprehensive Reporting

Review trade confirmations and payment history at the click of a button, check balances and manage your audit trail.


The security of our clients as well as their data and funds is paramount, clients funds are protected in segregated accounts and we are regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) so adhere to the strictest of regulatory controls.

ACH Pull

ACH Pull allows you to transfer money directly from your bank account into your APFX account. This means that you don't have to go into your bank account and push the funds. (US clients only)

Currency Accounts

With an APFX Global account you have the flexibility to allow your clients and suppliers to pay you in multiple currencies.

Hold currency in accounts without a local presence in your own name, with transfers always addressed to an account in your name avoiding any delays due to to any third party collection queries

Access your funds securely online at any time through APFX online

Send and receive funds using local payment networks avoiding the delays and charges associated with intermediary institutions

Centralise cash management – assign accounts to indivudals entities or even specific departments or subsidiaries. Create a virtual account structure that emulates operations and enables cash across the business to be viewed and managed centrally.

Simplify account management – Quickly and easily open accounts and manage them via APFX online. Save time, money and hassle on this proicess


Risk Management

We provide an extensive suite of products for executing your strategy with an emphasis on mitigating currency risk and creating operational efficiency. With our network of liquidity providers APFX can offer leading unsecured hedging facilities and provide market leading FX rates.

Risk management

Work with your dedicated consultant to build out and manage your international payments and FX strategy, pro actively working together to protect profits.

Forward contracts

The most effective way to hedge your currency risk, we provide a comprehensive range of forward contracts both fixed and flexible to lock in rates for up to 18 months.

Limit Order

Working with your consultant you can set the rates at which you wish to transact enabling you to take advantage should the market move significantly for or against you.

Market analysis

Your consultant and our partner analysts help to support you in making informed business decisions. Detailed forecasts enable you to build a robust strategy with your consultant

APFX Online

Easily and quickly drawdown from your existing contracts using APFX Online and send funds to your beneficiaries. You can also easily manage your payment and hedging positions


When you have set your strategy, you can manage your forwards and initiate payment using our innovative payment infrastructure, ensuring your payments are fast and secure.


Coming in 2021 – An extension to our suite of risk management products to assist in enhancing your FX portfolio further. Speak to a consultant to find out more about this exciting new launch

Dedicated Relationship Manager

With our complimentary FX risk assessment, your consultant will help to identify any inefficiencies in your current processes and recommend appropriate solutions.

Our specialists will proactively monitor the currency markets and positions so you don’t have to, notifying you of market movements and upcoming economic data and events.

Book orders and contracts over the phone, direct contact with your consultant to book currency and make payments on the go